Thursday, March 26, 2015

Divine Conduit

I have an inspirational calendar on my desk.  You tear off a page every day to reveal a new "I am going to accomplish something wonderful/inspire people/save the whales" type of statement. 

I took these declarations seriously at first, trying to incorporate them into my daily life.  Until around mid-January when I started to have to tear off two or three pages in one sitting to get current.  Typical.  Two weeks into the new year and I couldn't keep up with the curriculum.  It was at this point I discovered that if I added a sarcastic note in the margin of the calendar page that I could stay motivated for daily tearing and personalize the meaning of the "I will save the whales" inspirations.

Here is an example:

(calendar)  I only work for people who respect and honor their employees. 

(my note)  LOL

This kind of calendar graffiti sends me into juvenile fits of laughter. 

Today's calendar page words of wisdom are: 

I am a Divine conduit for transforming the quality of people's lives. 

Hey, that's a lot of pressure.  With Divine being capitalized and all, I don't think it's in good taste to write a sarcastic comment in the margin.  But today marks my first blog entry so I feel pretty darn special about being a conduit.  I just can't imagine yet that I am Divine.